Rheinod disease is a medical condition where an individual suffers from low blood flow seizures, usually to the fingers and hands, and is less common to the toes. The nose, ears or lips are rarely affected.
For people with Reno, their brain “freezes” in dysfunctional dysfunction (as the computer does too much). This frozen state confuses or changes the brain waves of the individual.
More about Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback stimulates the brain briefly at a micro-precise level, creating temporary changes in brain waves. This allows the brain to reorganize itself, thus releasing itself from patterns that may have been attached to it in the past.
Only lingering patterns are affected by the transformation into flexible, more healthy and functional brain wave patterns. Those treated with Neurofeedback reported that the symptoms they were trying to get rid of had diminished
Contact us to learn more or to take an appointment for a brain training session at our center